Monday, July 30, 2012

Sr. High Mission Trip Day # 3 (Wednesday) - Sabina de la Canal

After eating breakfast we went to our worksite at Mrs. Mary's house. We put up all the ceiling tiles and, even with having almost no tiles in the bathroom yesterday, we finished. We had even worked our way around the lights and put one of the lights back up. When we were done with that we swept and cleaned up. Before we finished Ms. Mary came over with drinks and ice cream for everyone. Then we had lunch and left. We know that Julia and Ian were working at a summer camp near by so before going back to the church we went to see them. We had to take two ferry rides to get there and after Ben de la Canal asked we were shown to the control room where the captain was. They even let Ben blow the horn. We finally got to the camp and had to wait awhile to see Julia because she was on a sailboat at sea. To pass the time we played ninja. When Julia got back she took us to archery where we did two rounds of shooting arrows. Then we got to see Ian. After giving them their cookies we went back to the church where we were staying. Our rule for the out of your comfort zone dinner was that we couldn’t serve ourselves. The solution; feed each other! Everyone had a different way of doing that. Some people were nice about it and some were not. For program we got candles and went outside. We talked about being the light of Christ to people and about how as a servant we shouldn’t hide our lights or spiritual gifts.

1 comment:

  1. Teen Serve Sr. High Mission Trip for help people in need and its a non profit organization for everybody who is related , to the teen and adult participants to the residents of the communities.
