Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Change the World: 3 Simple Rules!

Change the World: 3 Simple Rules! This past weekend at EYC was a change the world weekend and 30 hour famine kick-off! At Sr. EYC we talked about Christians who are currently changing the world like S. Truett Cathy (Chick-fil-A founder and foster parent), Dave Dravecky (baseball player who lost his arm/motivational speaker), and many more! Then we talked about an Anglican priest named John Wesley who also once changed the world! He was a priest in England in the 1700s and saw that people claimed to be Christians but it in no way changed the way they lived. Eventually John Wesley accidentally changed his world by beginning the "Methodist" traidtion in which he created a "method" for living a more Christian life. One piece of his "method" was that he offered 3 rules by which to live ones life! These rules completely apply to us today! 1. Do no harm. Yes, this does mean physically like with violence or stealing, or hurting others. But John Wesley probalbe also meant to think about the harm that our words, actiions, attitudes, and even Facebook/Twitter/Instagram posts can cause! 2. Do good! God looks for us to do 'more' than just our every day life! These acts of good can be easy - return the cart at the grocery store (or offer to do it for someone else), hold the door for people coming after you, recycle, pick up trash you see even if it isn't yours, listen to others, don't pass on gossip or walk away when others start to do it, pray for people you don't necessarily like, or just simply think before you act! 3. Stay in love with God. Perhaps most challenging for us in our busy lives as teenagers and adults is this 'rule'. However, it's relatively simple! To stay in love with God, just stay in touch with God! Notice God all around you (i.e. in a sunset or another person), give thanks to God (simply say thanks!), and pray ... lots! Also key in staying in love with God is getting to know God better! To do this, simply find the time to read and understand your Bible, go to a Bible study, or talk with your friends about Scripture! You can even paint, draw, or journal Scripture! This will help us to know why and how to love God better! Of course .... part of chaning the world is also DOING misisons! So we invite all of our 6th - 12th grade youth to be a hero to somebody else and do the 30 Hour Famine! Sign ups are happening now! There will be a famine central table in Tilson Hall weekly where youth and parents can sign up to help save the world from hunger! We will also continue sign ups at EYC over the next few weeks! Contact Matt or Jillianne with your speicific questions!

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