Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Advent Week 1 - Hope

This is truly my favorite time of year! I absolutely LOVE the season of Advent. There is something exciting and fresh about preparing and waiting for the coming birth of Christ at Christmas. It is the four weeks of the year I can't get enough of! And it's scary but, other than Lent, Advent is likely the time of the church year when I feel most connected to Christ! I especially love all of the ironic and convicting posts, pictures, Advent studies, and stories that bloggers, clergy, and Christian educators post this time of year. Like the thought I came across a few years ago ... we think of baby Jesus and being born and put into a manger. Imagine! The King of Kings placed in a manger. Hello .... a manger is what animals eat out of! Doesn't get much more lowly than that!

Over the years, I can remember several profound experiences! I've blogged about some of them here and here.

Another of my favorites from years past is the Advent Conspiracy. Several years ago, I learned about this group of pastors who started the movement in 2006. The message is quiet thought provoking! Watch!

[AC] Promo 2011 from Advent Conspiracy on Vimeo.

And speaking of Advent, earlier today, I ran across THIS powerful little picutre on one of my favorite youth ministry site (www.rethinkingyouthministry.com):

It is a nativity scene made by a Sunday school class from trash. The post talked about how the characters in the nativity were "throw-aways" of the society of their day ... an un-wed mother, outcast shepherds, a helpless baby, and a poor carpenter. It made me think of how our culture tends to be so busy that we just toss out Jesus until times get rough and we need Him. Powerful, huh?

So, in this season of Advent, I though I would share with my youth and parents each week of Advent on the weekly themes. Week one is hope, then peace, week three is joy, and week four love. So here is a short clip worth watching that really spells out the theme of hope and why we have it as we prepare for the birth of Christ.

Happy Advent!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

In anticipation of NYWC - Atlanta ....

Tomorrow I am heading to the National Youth Worker's Convention in Atlanta, GA. I can't even express how excited and grateful I am for this opportunity. You see, I've had the privilege of serving in youth ministry since 2002! And pretty much every year up until 2009, I was intentional to attend some sort of ym conference. Sadly with the tanking of the economy, came the tanking of a continuing ed. budget. I know that is only 2 and a half years ago since I went to any sort of conference but to me it seems an eternity! These events are so pivitol in the life of youth ministry for me. And, I am feeling the burn, so to speak, of ... well, burnout. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what God allows me to get up and do every day and I do know realize lucky I am to be doing it, trust me. But I just need a moment away .... A weekend to be with others who do what I do and get it. A weekend to share stories. A weekend to get resources. A weekend to sing and dance like a fool (for Christ, of course) to the amazing tunes of David Crowder Band and others! A weekend to listen for God and empty myself. A weekend to spend with my husband eating out and not worrying about bed times or alarm clocks or ANYTHING.

So when I began serving as Assistant Youth Minister in my new position this past July, I never dreamed there would be a budget for or the encouragement to attend a conference right away! So, thank you Matt Williams (my partner in crime) for offering up the continuing ed. budget so I can go to Atlanta! You pretty much rock!

Here's where I am in anticipation and prayer of the next 4 days:

1. Driving in Atlanta - yeah, not so excited about this part. I'm praying my gps will work well. Actually, several people who used to live in Atlanta have told me there is nothing to worried about. So ... we'll see.

2. Being by myself - my hubby can't come until Saturday so I'm a little nervous not knowing anyone. I've also never been to a nywc convention, so I don't really have any buddies to catch up with either. So, if you see this girl getting mugged while walking to or from the civic center for big rooms ..... HELP! All that said, I am actually very thrilled for a little me time on Friday night!

3. Information overload - there are so many workshops I want to attend and so many mentor's I want to hear a word from. After two and a half years of nothingness, I just hope I can retain it all. Usually, I would have a pre-developed plan of which ones I would attend but this time, I'm letting the Holy Spirit take over and end up where I end up!

4. Networking - did I mention I don't know anyone .... And I am an introvert who operates extrovertedly for ym? Nonetheless, I know this is an area in which the Holy Spirit is nudging!

So, here we go! I'm off to pack! See you tomorrow Atlanta!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Be Prepared! Motorcycles and Oil ...

I love that Jesus taught in parables (short metaphorical stories that teaches or illustrates a religious point). Jesus was very creative to take standards or norms of His day and use them to flip their (and our) thinking of the world, upside down!

In yesterday's lectionary lesson, we studied the parable of the ten bridesmaids. For Jesus, it was all about being prepared! Jesus used His day's example of oil. It was very common to have to wait on a bridegroom and light / oil was a very important part of a wedding celebration in that day and time. The celebrations would go on for days and days, so one would need to have enough oil to light the lamps. It was a pure honor (and a REALLY big deal) to be chosen as a bridemaid 2000+ years ago because it meant you got to practice for your own wedding. Thus, a smart bridemaid would never go without oil. A good comparison from today would be like if a bridemaid forgot her bouquet!

So, in our youth worship service last night, we drove in a motorcycle to illustrate the point of being ready! (Yes, we had permission) Afterall, what better attention getter than a motorcycle in the middle of the Parish Hall?? The point is that you don't just hop on a motorcycle and go. There are some things one must do to ride. For instance, a helmet is necessary and must fit well. Certain types of gas, oil, and maintenance are required on the bike. And, oh yeah, you have to know how to ride.

In my devotion this morning, there was a great point that Love, justice, and faithfulness to Christ are the fuel that sustains our lamps today!

Kind of looks like this to me:

Now if I could just figure out how to draw Jesus on a motorcylce .... hmmmmm!