Monday, November 7, 2011

Be Prepared! Motorcycles and Oil ...

I love that Jesus taught in parables (short metaphorical stories that teaches or illustrates a religious point). Jesus was very creative to take standards or norms of His day and use them to flip their (and our) thinking of the world, upside down!

In yesterday's lectionary lesson, we studied the parable of the ten bridesmaids. For Jesus, it was all about being prepared! Jesus used His day's example of oil. It was very common to have to wait on a bridegroom and light / oil was a very important part of a wedding celebration in that day and time. The celebrations would go on for days and days, so one would need to have enough oil to light the lamps. It was a pure honor (and a REALLY big deal) to be chosen as a bridemaid 2000+ years ago because it meant you got to practice for your own wedding. Thus, a smart bridemaid would never go without oil. A good comparison from today would be like if a bridemaid forgot her bouquet!

So, in our youth worship service last night, we drove in a motorcycle to illustrate the point of being ready! (Yes, we had permission) Afterall, what better attention getter than a motorcycle in the middle of the Parish Hall?? The point is that you don't just hop on a motorcycle and go. There are some things one must do to ride. For instance, a helmet is necessary and must fit well. Certain types of gas, oil, and maintenance are required on the bike. And, oh yeah, you have to know how to ride.

In my devotion this morning, there was a great point that Love, justice, and faithfulness to Christ are the fuel that sustains our lamps today!

Kind of looks like this to me:

Now if I could just figure out how to draw Jesus on a motorcylce .... hmmmmm!

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