Over the years, I can remember several profound experiences! I've blogged about some of them here and here.
Another of my favorites from years past is the Advent Conspiracy. Several years ago, I learned about this group of pastors who started the movement in 2006. The message is quiet thought provoking! Watch!
[AC] Promo 2011 from Advent Conspiracy on Vimeo.
And speaking of Advent, earlier today, I ran across THIS powerful little picutre on one of my favorite youth ministry site (www.rethinkingyouthministry.com):
It is a nativity scene made by a Sunday school class from trash. The post talked about how the characters in the nativity were "throw-aways" of the society of their day ... an un-wed mother, outcast shepherds, a helpless baby, and a poor carpenter. It made me think of how our culture tends to be so busy that we just toss out Jesus until times get rough and we need Him. Powerful, huh?
So, in this season of Advent, I though I would share with my youth and parents each week of Advent on the weekly themes. Week one is hope, then peace, week three is joy, and week four love. So here is a short clip worth watching that really spells out the theme of hope and why we have it as we prepare for the birth of Christ.
Happy Advent!
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