Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are you ready to get messy?

"Sometimes we get so caught up in the words of Jesus or in what he doesn't say that we miss the point."

"Less Talk ... More Walk!"

These were two inspiring statements that I heard over the past couple of days!
They go together so well! The first was a point that Father Michael made in his sermon this past Sunday. He was referencing the stories of Matthew 15! And the second was a youth group "theme" that I heard one of my former youth groups was going to use this year!

Based on these two inspiring statements, and this blog post of mine from a couple of weeks ago (where I was basically making the point that I believe “church” is more than just a place we go on Sunday mornings) … I’ve been in a tailspin trying to hear the Holy Spirit! Even though I usually do my blog update on Mondays, I had to get my thoughts together and post today.
So, today I ask, what if “church” was less about Sunday and more about other days of the week. And even more, how is this relevant for youth today?

Now, DO NOT get me wrong. Sunday is absolutely VITAL in the life of a Christian and is absolutely IMEASUREABLE in regards to what it does for our relationship with Jesus, the Christ. We all must do a better job at attending regularly and having Sunday activities be a priority in our lives and in the lives of our families! Sunday morning Christian education for youth, children, parents and church members is key. Worshipping God should be a priority. Fellowshipping with other Christians is essential. Sunday night youth group / Wednesday Bible study is significant. Sunday / Wednesday cannot be replaced.

But what are we all doing the other 6 days of the week to enhance, build, grow, and most importantly SHARE our relationship with God? There are so many other important things that compete for a teen’s time … soccer, football, volleyball or other team practices, our friends and social life, family time, shopping, video games, media, Facebook, and so much more! Current studies confirm that this generation is the busiest … EVER!

Now, I’m not a teenager, but I know at my house, we don’t usually stop during the school year from sun up to sun down and well after some nights! For me and for many families today, I would guess it’s like a puzzle trying to fit together who needs to be where when and for how long. And God forbid that one of our cars break down or get a flat tire … or that one of us get sick or something. We’re like a well-oiled machine …

Or are we?

Where does that piece of the puzzle … called God … fit on a daily basis in our lives? In other words, WE MISS THE POINT, if all we do is come on Sunday (or think we don’t have to) but don’t apply what happens and what we learn on Sunday to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Seriously … it is a valid and challenging question: how sincere are we in our devotion to Christ?

We were created for so much more! But so many times we (all) get caught up in the business of life. We get ‘stopped in our tracks angry at God’ because of the things in life that break us. But Jesus was here and Jesus got messy …. right in the middle of people’s broken, busy lives. And Jesus calls us to the same!

This is a great video that illustrates this point well:

So St. John’s EYC … are you ready to get messy?? I’ll see you at EYC kick-off this Sunday!

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