Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Winter Retreat 2012

Last weekend on our EYC Winter Retreat, we asked our students to focus on growing spiritually. We wanted to help give them some practical / take home tools that they could use to intentionally make an effort to grow in their faith. Our theme for the weekend was ‘UnPlugged.’ That is, unplugging from the world and plugging into God! We spent the weekend focusing on spiritual disciplines and Christian practices that can help us grow in our faith.

On Saturday morning, we asked the youth to commit to a technology fast so that there were no boundaries keeping them from focusing on their relationship with God and the opportunities of the weekend. Every single youth on our trip put all of their cell phones, iPods, and anything electronic in a paper bag and did not touch them for about 26 hours! I have never been more proud! It was not easy for the youth to do this, but I do think it was refreshing, in a way!

We then spent three hours in a rotation of Christian practices. In the first rotation youth could pick to attend three of these four (adapted from Way to Live resource):

#1 – Choices (Jr. High only):
Teens face many choices, and the path to a wise choice is not necessarily easy and straightforward. The Christian practice of discernment—a process of deliberate decision-making within a community that supports us as we explore our lives in the presence of God—can help us to choose wisely. Students learned to slow down, ask questions, pay attention to yourself and to God, find traveling companions, take time for reflection, then act when being decisive. Thank you Matt Williams for leading!

# 2 – Creativity:
God’s Spirit is still moving in the world, even in and through us. When we express the Spirit’s creative movement in our own unique way, we bring something brand new to the world. Sometimes creativity arises from pain, sometimes from joy; but it is always more than “art” done by “creative” people. Youth were able to use a piece of nature and write creatively about it and then were able to mold clay into beautiful creations!

# 3 – Play:
Play is part of God’s good creation and is important to a balanced, happy life. Play is the reset button God gives us to get a fresh take on a situation and to renew our lives. In this rotation, youth simply played … they broke piƱatas and played duck, duck, goose! Thank you Lora Braun for leading!

# 4 – Stuff
We should deal with stuff (material possessions) in ways that deepen our relationships with God, other people, and the whole created world. Participants talked about the difference between good stuff and bad stuff and brainstormed creative ways to let go of stuff we don’t need. Thank you Annie Smith for leading!

In the second half of our morning, youth had to pick to attend 3 of these 4 rotations on Christian practices:

# 5 – Choices (Sr. High only):
See # 1.

# 6 – Time:
In a society that is constantly telling us to do so many things, it can be hard to find time for the rest we need. God wants to give us the gift of a Non-Active Period—a time to be with God, a time for renewal, a time to let down our guard and just be. Participants made pillows and … yes … took a nap! Thanks to Caroline and Jennifer Riddle for leading!

# 7 – Music:
Music isn’t some shrink-wrapped product you buy at the store. Making music rises up from our physical bodies and from the very physics of creation itself, opens us to be in community, and attunes us to the peace and justice God desires for all people. Participants spent time in this group making music, listening to guitar music, and singing!

# 8 – Welcome:
Welcoming is about creating space in our lives for other people, and especially for “strangers” or those we don’t know well. This means knowing how to be a grateful guest as well as a gracious host. Communities honor Jesus—who was often homeless himself—as they make people feel “at home” and offer them a place at the table. This group even baked cookies!

We spent the afternoon doing an activity called Zorb. Apparently, Zorb, is quite the popular sport in New Zealand! Our youth had a great time practicing the art of fellowship as we rolled down the hill together!

Saturday night, we focused on the spiritual discipline of prayer! We started with a conversation about what prayer is, why it is important, and did a little prayer 101 where we learned some very simple and practical ways to pray! We learned the ABC prayer, the SPOONS prayer, and the 5 finger prayer.

We then moved to a time of quiet and prayer as we traveled through 10 prayer stations set up around our rental house (adapted form

Station 1 – Conversation with God
Students sat across from an empty chair and simply, had a conversation.

Station 2 – Candle Lighting
Students thought of a hope and let it rise to God as the smoke from the match rises.

Station 3 – Newspaper Highlights
Students used a highlighter to highlight items in a newspaper that caught their attention. They then prayed for that situation.

Station 4 – Blessing Enemies / Forgiving Others
Students used smooth stones to write the name of their enemy on and then prayer for that situation. They were then able wash the rock and the name of their enemy away in water.

Station 5 – Word!
Participants used a Scrabble board to create words that came to their minds concerning their prayers.

Station 6 – Idol Worship
Students used play-dough to create idols in their lives and then smash them.

Station 7 – Reflections
Students gazed into a mirror and meditated on God’s abundant love for them and the beauty of God’s creation – them!

Station 8 – Listen
Participants simply got comfortable on the couch, chair, or floor and listened to some meditative music as they sought to hear God’s voice.

Station 9 – Faces of Jesus
Various faces of Jesus throughout history were displayed on a wall. Participants were asked to consider their understanding of Jesus and their call as a Disciple of Christ.

Station 10 – Map of the World
Students looked at a map of the world and stuck a push pin into a geographic location for which they wanted to pray.

After our prayer stations, we had the youth learn how to do a mandala prayer / circle prayer. Basically, the youth were guided through some breathing and meditating techniques and then asked to empty the junk inside of them as they drew in a circle. We then started over and drew the prayers they were truly on our hearts. Their beautiful designs were displayed as a part of our altar space for our Sunday morning silent worship service.

Sunday morning we focused on the spiritual discipline of worship! Yes, worship on Sunday morning was silent. There were words, images, and instructions projected on the wall. Participants learned what worship really is about. They also worshipped very creatively, including dancing to a drum beat and silently praying. We also had the opportunity in the service to learn the secret to knowing if you are growing spiritually. If the youth participate in and practice Christian practices and Spiritual Disciplines, they will develop the fruit of the Spirit! We learned about what the fruit of the spirit are and were invited to come forward and drink the juice representing the fruit we feel we need most!

Matt and I felt it was a meaningful weekend and we had a blast leading it! Thanks to those who attended ... those who didn't - see you next year! :)

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